Our products, sewn specifically to order, are shipped directly from Poland.
The standard lead time is 2 to 5 business days.
During promotional campaigns and national days, the shipping time of orders may extend for an additional 3 working days. -
International delivery
FEDEX/TNT - 5-7 working days
DPD - 2-4 working days in the European Union
DPD - 1-2 working days
We do not send parcels to post office boxes or APO/FPO. -
All international shipments may be subject to duties and taxes. All taxes and customs duties are the responsibility of the customer and are not included in the order cost or shipping charges. Please see your local customs website for more information.
You can track your order with the tracking information provided in your shipment notification e-mail or by logging in to your account on perillalingerie.com
If the carrier’s tracking link for your order is not showing activity or movement for more than 5 business days, please contact Customer Service to investigate.
It is only possible to change the shipping address before the order is shipped
We know carrier issues and delays can happen. We find that some carriers may scan a package as “Delivered” when it is still out for delivery and will sometimes physically deliver the parcel within the next four business days.
After 4 business days, if your order is showing as "Delivered” by the carrier, and you have still not located your package, and you have checked the area surrounding your delivery address please contact Customer Service for assistance.
Please note, PERILLA is not liable for missing packages marked delivered. If you believe this was mis-delivered, we recommend filing a claim with the carrier directly. At this time, we're not currently set up for reshipment orders or exchanges and require that a new order is placed with the returned funds.
If the carrier’s tracking link for your order is not showing activity or movement for more than 5 business days, please contact Customer Service to investigate. -
In case of non-collection or refusal to accept the package, the return shipping costs will be deducted from the order amount to be returned.